
Life | Wear | Eats

Thursday 2 October 2014

The F Word - #heforshe

The F word - possibly one of the dirtiest words of our generation, the generations before us and probably for many generations to come. Man hater. Lesbian. Bitter spinster. Intimidating, aggresive woman. Angry teenage girl. - all definitions that regularly spring to mind when most of us hear of it or think of it.

I am, of course talking about the word feminist.

In case you haven't heard (where have you been?!), Emma Watson gave a remarkable speech during September at the UN for the #HeforShe campaign (HERE) on gender equality which has started an amazing discussion around the subject of gender equality. If you are yet to watch it, please go watch it HERE. It really is remarkable and will change your views around gender equality completely.

Just like Emma, Feminism has always seem uncomplicated to me. How could it not? I am a woman, therefore it makes perfect sense that I should stand for gender equality and women's rights. However, this is not the case for the majority of people, or even for the majority of women.

No matter who you are, where you come from, what gender, age, race you are, I can guarantee that, at least at some point in time, you have thought of feminists as some sort of stereotype - and probably a negative one. 

However, I can also guarantee that no matter who you are, where you come from, what gender, age, race you are, I can guarantee that, at least at some point in time, you have been made to feel guilty about having certain desires, doing certain actions or feeling certain emotions that supposedly conflict with expectations of the gender that you have been born with.

Ladies - remember the last time you tried to take charge, to be independent or make your opinions heard: How were you made to feel? Bossy? Overbearing? Intimidating?
Men - remember the last time you cried in front of someone else, showed your sensitive side or allowed someone to see your true emotions: How were you made to feel? Effeminate? Guilty? Less of a man?

As Emma rightly points out, Feminism is not about women's rights. Well, it is. But that's not all that it is about. Feminism is about rights for all - woman and men. It is about ridding the world of gender specific attributes such as 'girls should wear pink' and 'boys shouldn't cry'. It is about allowing everyone to be who they want to be without fear of being reprimanded for it. It is about everyone feeling comfortable in their own skin. It is about everybody being able to make choices about their own bodies and their own lives without fear of the consequences, without fear of the reactions and without fear of feeling unworthy.

Of course, this is an age old discussion. Everything I have said will no doubt have been said before - everyone should be equal. We should forget gender specific attributes. We should just be how we want to be, blah blah blah. We've all heard it all before time and time again. It's simple. So why has it not yet been achieved?

Of course, Emma provides an answer for this: 'How can we affect change in the world when only half is invited, or feels welcome to participate in the conversation?' Gender equality is an issue for both men and women. Why should there be expectations in place than mean that men should feel ashamed of being emotional, have their role as a parent be valued less than that of a mother's and leave men unable to ask for help in fear of being less of a man?

Feminism has become a dirty word. But with the HeForShe campaign, that should hopefully all change. By having such a publicised campaign for men to join, to share their opinions and to support both women and other men, maybe we can finally start taking the steps needed to achieve equality for all.

As Emma quite rightly said: It is not the word that is important. It is the idea and ambition behind it.

I am for equality for all. I am proud of who I am and I am for everybody feeling safe and secure in their own skin.

I am a feminist.

Are you?


If you are a man who is going to stand up for women's rights, please go here and make your voice heard.

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